Dunrobin Castle 10 TT
2017 - 20 May 13:30
Event HQ Rogart Village Hall
Course details
1.03 miles north west of the derestriction signs at the north west side of Pittentrail, before the junction right to Little Rogart, Morness and Langwell. Approaching the junction there is a triangular junction sign on the left with a field entrance 18 metres further on in the direction of Lairg. The north western strainer of the field entrance marks the start.
Continue west on A839 for 4.45 miles to turn in the road.
4.45 miles west of start, on the long straight where the Country Images Factory Shop is situated. The turn is approximately 250 metres east of the Country Images entrance at the double metal field gate strainer (west side).
Retrace past the start and past the 30mph signs on west side of Pittentrail to finish 3 metres south east of DP35.
DP 35 is a telephone pole 80.5 metres south east of the 30mph signs on the west side of Pittentrail and on the south side of the road. The finish is a further 3 metres beyond DP35 heading in the direction of the Mound.
Rider Information
Riders are asked to avoid parking cars on roads at start and finish of each event and to respect Highway Code.
Care should be exercised on all events. Remember, tarmac is just the medium that connects the potholes on country roads!
Sign On
Sign on, refreshments and results will be available at the Race HQ which will be open at 12.30 pm.
Minimum Prize Value
All entry monies, after deduction of SCU race levies and expenses, will be returned in prize money.